Thursday, November 5, 2020

Just a Snippet

Cartoon rendition of me (green
eyes, brown/grey hair, freckles,
in a blue shirt, giving a thumbs-up,
smiling, and working at a laptop), with a
caption reading "working from home."
It's been a while - about two years - since I last wrote in this (the consistently safe-for-work) version of my personal blog. 

Mostly this is because much of what I have written since then is inappropriate in topic (politics) or language (because I'm angry about politics and my language reflects it in... let's just say fairly obscene and profane ways.)

I don't really know where I'm going with this, except that I need to exercise my not-angry writing skills and this seems like the best place to do so. And it can also serve as a writing sample. And yes, I'm fully aware of the grammar rules stating I should not begin a sentence with a conjunction. But this is my own blog, in a conversational style. Just so you know when you read it that I do know what I'm doing; I thought I'd mention that.

Anyway, why I'm looking for work? 

In a word? Pandemic.

You see, my job is as a McKinney-Vento driver for my local school district (yes, I also know that Wikipedia is not a citable source for most formal papers. Again, this is conversational, not formal). If you choose not to click the link, the summary is thus: I drive the kids who can't ride the bus (for whatever reason) to school. 

No kids in school in-person equal no kids to drive.

But wait, you say, I thought your district was taking the school to the kids, delivering lunches and library books, because your school district is just that cool!

They are.

But I'm newish, so a lot of other drivers are ahead of me on the seniority list, and I don't have an assignment. And it doesn't look like I will anytime soon, not if the Covid numbers keep climbing.

So aside from serving on the Racial and Educational Justice team for Transportation, and sort of remaining on call, I have nothing to do, and no money coming in (the district doesn't pay me for tech support or onsite paraeducator services for my own two kids; wouldn't that be nice?). 

So here I am, looking for work in my other specialty.

Nice to meet you!

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